Web Space

Plans Webspace Mail Ids Data Transfer Price in Rs.
Basic 50MB 5 250MB 1300/-
Economy 100MB 10 500MB 2100/-
Mini 200 200MB 20 2000MB 3200/-
Mini 500 500MB 50 5000MB 4650/-
Mega 1 1GB 100 2GB 6950/-
Mega 3 3GB 300 3GB 10500/-
Mega 5 5GB 300 5GB 13900/-
Plans Webspace Mail Ids Data Transfer Price in Rs.
Mini 500 500MB 50 5000MB 5950/-
Mega 1 1GB 100 2GB 7950/-

Please Note: GST as per Govt. Norms applicable to all Prices above.

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